

                             Washington, D. C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

          Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) June 5, 2003

Commission      Registrant; State of Incorporation;         I.R.S. Employer
File Number        Address; and Telephone Number           Identification No.
-----------     ----------------------------------         ------------------

333-21011      FIRSTENERGY CORP.                                34-1843785
               (An Ohio Corporation)
               76 South Main Street
               Akron, Ohio  44308
               Telephone (800)736-3402

               (An Ohio Corporation)
               c/o FirstEnergy Corp.
               76 South Main Street
               Akron, OH  44308
               Telephone (800)736-3402

1-3583         THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY                        34-4375005
               (An Ohio Corporation)
               c/o FirstEnergy Corp.
               76 South Main Street
               Akron, OH  44308
               Telephone (800)736-3402

Item 9.  Regulation FD Disclosure

           On June 5, 2003, FirstEnergy Corp. updated the investment community
on activities associated with efforts to return the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power
Station to service in a safe and reliable manner.

NRC IMC 0350 Restart Process - June 3, 2003, Meeting

           The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) IMC 0350 Panel conducted
its monthly status session on the Davis-Besse restart effort at Camp Perry, near
Port Clinton, Ohio on June 3, 2003. The meeting included an update on recent NRC
activities, as well as an update by FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company
(FENOC) officials on its progress toward preparing the plant for

           The NRC discussed significant activities since the May 6, 2003 public
meeting. The activities included issuance of the final significance for red
finding regarding the control rod drive mechanism penetration cracking and
reactor pressure vessel head degradation. The NRC oversight panel had determined
that FENOC has adequately completed 11 of the 29 actions included in the
restart checklist. The items completed in the past month include:

           o  Boric acid corrosion management program (item 3d);
           o  Reactor coolant system unidentified leakage monitoring program
              (item 3e);
           o  In-service inspection programs (item 3f); and
           o  Modification control program (item 3g).

           The NRC also discussed its continuing inspection efforts at the
plant, including system health reviews and design issues, safety culture/safety
conscious work environment, corrective action team inspection, and resident
inspection. Upcoming NRC activities include preparing for the under-vessel
inspections. The NRC also mentioned that a third resident inspector will join
the team effective September 2003.

           FENOC officials' provided an update on plant activities, progress on
management and human performance issues since the last meeting, modification of
the high-pressure injection pumps, quality oversight and several engineering
design issues.

           FENOC reported that it successfully completed two preliminary
pressure tests of its reactor coolant system (RCS) during May. The two pressure
tests, one increasing RCS pressure to 50 pounds per-square-inch (psi) and the
other to 250 psi, were conducted to identify and subsequently rectify any
valves needing minor repair. These steps help pave the way for the important
full-pressure test (2,155 psi), slated for mid-to-late July 2003.

           With respect to management and human performance issues, FENOC
provided actions taken to-date to address such issues and discussed site
alignment and leadership plans going forward.

           The presentation also included an update on FENOC's decision to
modify the high pressure injection (HPI) pumps. The pumps will be modified to
add an internal strainer to prevent debris from entering the hydrostatic
bearing. The ports that supply water to the hydrostatic bearing will be
relocated to reduce debris concentration at the strainer. The current schedule
shows completion of the pump modification by mid-July 2003.

           The NRC has scheduled the following Davis-Besse meetings:

           o  June 19 - Discuss modification of the HPI pumps (Rockville,
           o  July 9 - Next 0350 panel meeting (Oak Harbor High School, Oak
              Harbor, Ohio)


This Form 8-K includes forward-looking statements based on information currently
available to management. Such statements are subject to certain risks and
uncertainties. These statements typically contain, but are not limited to, the
terms "anticipate", "potential", "expect", "believe", "estimate" and similar
words. Actual results may differ materially due to the speed and nature of
increased competition and deregulation in the electric utility industry,
economic or weather conditions affecting future sales and margins, changes in
markets for energy services, changing energy and commodity market prices,
legislative and regulatory changes (including revised environmental
requirements), the availability and cost of capital, ability to accomplish or
realize anticipated benefits from strategic initiatives and other similar


         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
each Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

June 5, 2003

                                                FIRSTENERGY CORP.

                                            THE CLEVELAND ELECTRIC
                                             ILLUMINATING COMPANY

                                          THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY

                                                Jeffrey R. Kalata
                                                Jeffrey R. Kalata
                                               Assistant Controller
