Washington, DC

                                   FORM U-6B-2

                           Certificate of Notification

     Certificate is filed by: The Toledo Edison Company  ("Toledo Edison" or the
"Company"), a wholly owned subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp., a registered holding
company,  pursuant to Rule  U-20(d) and Rule  U-52(c)  adopted  under the Public
Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.

     This certificate is notice that the above named company has issued, renewed
or guaranteed the security or securities  described herein which issue,  renewal
or guaranty was exempted from the  provisions of Section 6(a) of the Act and was
neither the subject of a  declaration  or  application  on Form U-1 nor included
within the exemption provided by Rule U-48.

1.   Type of securities:

     In connection  with the  remarketing  of  $33,200,000  aggregate  principal
     amount of State of Ohio Pollution Control Revenue  Refunding Bonds,  Series
     2000-A (The Toledo Edison Company  Project)  previously  issued by the Ohio
     Water Development  Authority (the "Water Bonds") and $34,100,000  aggregate
     principal  amount  of State of Ohio  Pollution  Control  Revenue  Refunding
     Bonds,  Series 2000-A (The Toledo Edison Company Project) previously issued
     by the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority (the "Air Bonds" and together
     with the Water Bonds,  the  "Authority  Bonds"),  Toledo  Edison issued and
     pledged to the respective  trustees for the Authority Bonds separate series
     of its  first  mortgage  bonds  (the  "First  Mortgage  Bonds")  under  its
     Indenture  of Mortgage and Deed of Trust,  dated as of April 1, 1947,  with
     JPMorgan  Chase  Bank  (formerly  known as The Chase  Manhattan  Bank),  as
     successor  trustee  (as  amended  and  supplemented,  the  "Mortgage"),  in
     aggregate  principal  amounts equal to the respective  aggregate  principal
     amounts of such outstanding Authority Bonds.

     The First  Mortgage  Bonds were  issued and  pledged  pursuant  to separate
     pledge  agreements with the respective  trustees for the Authority Bonds in
     order to secure the Company's payment obligations with respect to the Water
     Bonds  pursuant to its Waste Water  Facilities  and Solid Waste  Facilities
     Note, Series 2000-A,  and with respect to the Air Bonds pursuant to its Air
     Quality  Facilities Note, Series 2000-A  (collectively,  the "Notes").  The
     Notes were originally  issued in connection with the original  issuances of
     the Authority Bonds and were amended to provide for the issuance and pledge
     of the First Mortgage Bonds.

2.   Issue, renewal or guaranty:


3.   Principal amount of each security:

     $33,200,000 First Mortgage Bond, Pledge Series A of 2003 due 2024
     $34,100,000 First Mortgage Bond, Pledge Series B of 2003 due 2024

4.   Rate of interest per annum of each security:

     The Authority  Bonds will accrue interest at the current  Commercial  Paper
     Rate of 3.00% per annum  through  July 17,  2003,  and will be  subject  to
     mandatory  purchase on the business day  following  the end of such period.
     The interest  rate for the  Authority  Bonds is subject to  conversion to a
     different  interest  rate  mode  from  time  to time  by the  Company.  The
     permitted  interest rate modes are a Commercial Paper Rate, a Daily Rate, a
     Weekly  Rate,  a  Semi-Annual  Rate,  an Annual  Rate,  a Two-Year  Rate, a
     Three-Year Rate, a Five-Year Rate, and a Long Term Rate.

     The First Mortgage Bonds will accrue  interest at the rate of interest that
     results in the total  amount of  interest  payable on an  interest  payment
     date, a redemption date or at maturity, as the case may be, or at any other
     time interest on the First Mortgage  Bonds is due and payable,  to be equal
     to the  total  amount  of  unpaid  interest  that has  accrued  on all then
     outstanding  Authority  Bonds. The First Mortgage Bonds will be deemed paid
     to the extent of payments on the Authority Bonds.

5.   Date of issue, renewal or guaranty of each security:

     April 17, 2003.

6.   If renewal of security, give date of original issue:

     Not applicable.

7.   Date of maturity of each security:

     April 1, 2024, subject to prepayment or prior redemption.

8.   Name of the person to whom each security was issued, renewed or guaranteed:

     The First  Mortgage  Bonds were issued to the  respective  trustees for the
     Authority Bonds, which in each case is Fifth Third Bank.

9.   Collateral given with each security:

     The  Mortgage,  which  secures  the Bonds and all other  mortgage  bonds of
     Toledo Edison,  serves as a direct first mortgage lien on substantially all
     property and franchises,  other than specifically excepted property,  owned
     by Toledo Edison.

10.  Consideration given for each security:

     Toledo  Edison  issued  the Bonds in  consideration  of the  execution  and
     delivery  of  certain  amendments  to  the  Notes  and of  separate  Pledge
     Agreements,  dated April 17, 2003, by and between the  respective  trustees
     for the  Authority  Bonds and the  Company,  pursuant  to which  such First
     Mortgage Bonds were pledged to such trustees.


11.  Application of proceeds of each security:

     The Company received no cash proceeds for the issuance of the Bonds.

12.  Indicate by a check after the applicable statement below whether the issue,
     renewal or guaranty of each  security  was exempt  from the  provisions  of
     Section 6(a) because of:

     (a)   the provisions contained in the first sentence of Section 6(b) [ ]

     (b)   the provisions contained in the fourth sentence of Section 6(b) [ ]

     (c)   the provisions contained in any rule of the Commission other than
           Rule U-48 [x]

13.  If the security or  securities  were exempt from the  provisions of Section
     6(a) by virtue of the first  sentence  of Section  6(b),  give the  figures
     which indicate that the security or securities aggregate (together with all
     other then  outstanding  notes and drafts of a maturity  of nine  months or
     less,  exclusive of days of grace, as to which such company is primarily or
     secondarily  liable) not more than 5 percentum of the principal  amount and
     par value of the other securities of such company then outstanding. (Demand
     notes,  regardless  of how long  they may have been  outstanding,  shall be
     considered  as maturing  in not more than nine  months for  purposes of the
     exemption  from  Section  6(a) of the Act granted by the first  sentence of
     Section 6(b)):

     Not applicable.

14.  If the security or  securities  are exempt from the  provisions  of Section
     6(a)  because of the fourth  sentence of Section  6(b),  name the  security
     outstanding on January 1, 1935, pursuant to the terms of which the security
     or securities herein described have been issued:

     Not applicable.

15.  If the security or  securities  are exempt form the  provisions  of Section
     6(a) because of any rule of the Commission other than Rule U-48,  designate
     the rule under which exemption is claimed.

     Rule 52.

                                              THE TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY

                                              By:  /s/ Thomas C. Navin
                                                       Thomas C. Navin
Date: April 25, 2003