It happened to me at an early age: the first time words changed my reality. "You're ugly." Two words I chose to believe changed the person I grew into. It took decades to heal a wound that festered into what I thought was my personality.
As I looked back, I realized I had a comforter, a friend, a cheerleader, and a defender all along-my writings. Reciting, affirming, and sharing my inner thoughts transformed me from an insecure depressed child to a confident, healthy-minded woman. Through this book, I share my actual diary entries from my twenty-plus-year journey so you can see some of the painful processes that lead to peace and progression. At the end of each chapter, I leave you with a question and some empty pages for YOUR words. My prayer is that you connect to the events of my life and find yourself somewhere in my journey.
About the Author
Regina Farai' Edwards was born and raised in Green Pond, South Carolina, where she lived the quiet country life. She adores God, family, music, creativity, and connecting with people. Although she's an extreme introvert, her spirit is extroverted. Her parents, six siblings, daughter, fiancé, and close family and friends make up her village of support. She is forever grateful and humbled to be used as a vessel to bless others with her journey.
Regina has an associate's degree in mass communications and a bachelor's degree in biology. She has been a victim's advocate for more than ten years and proudly serves her country in the United States Air Force.
Use Your W.O.R.D.S.: Weapons Over Real-life Decisions and Situations is a 62-page paperback with a retail price of $20.00 (eBook $15.00). The ISBN is 979-8-88604-768-4. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For members of the press, to request a review copy, visit our virtual pressroom at https://dorrancepressroom.com/use-your-w-o-r-d-s-weapons-over-real-life-decisions-and-situations/ or to buy the book visit our online bookstore at https://bookstore.dorrancepublishing.com/use-your-w-o-r-d-s-weapons-over-real-life-decisions-and-situations/
Brittany Baker
Dorrance Publishing
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